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Paternity leave and the Role of a father in the initial days

Dr Nahid Dave - Quoted in The Free Press Journal on The role of fathers after child birth and paternity leave

“The bulk of pregnancy-related information and coping strategies focus on the mother, especially since her body is undergoing biological and structural changes. However, the psychological changes associated with pregnancy affect both parents. In fact, high levels of cortisol – a stress-related hormone – are noticed in new fathers after the birth of the child. Many men also exhibit the Couvade Syndrome or sympathetic pregnancies, where they experience pregnancy-related symptoms that are both physical (nausea, bloating, backaches, and appetite changes) as well as psychological (changes in sleeping patterns, anxiety, and depression). Giving yourself the time to comprehend and adapt to these changes is important and can play an important role in your mental well-being. Further, sharing responsibilities with your partner following the birth of your child can increase your partner’s trust in you. Psychological triggers for post-partum depression in women, which involve feelings of anxiety about being able to care for the child, can be alleviated,” explains Dr Nahid Dave, a psychiatrist at Thought Matters.

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