On a scale from -10 to +10, lets learn to chart mood.
-10 being the worst mood one could have
+10 being the best mood one could have
Q How to write the mood chart?
A typical day will fluctuate between these two extremes.
So we write the date
the number on the scale
and the reason in short( just enough for you to recollect what was the reason)
Q Can you explain with the help of an example?
26th September
-5 i had to skip breakfast as i was running very late (irritated)
+7 had a brilliant day at work, received some compliments good feedback
-3 tremendous traffic and witnessed some road rage ( frustrated and overwhelmed)
+8 spoke to an old friend on my way back home from work
+7 dinner was my favorite dish, the taste brought back memories from childhood
-4 found myself overthinking and afraid that good days at work wont last long (Anxious)
27th September
-7 had an argument with mom about another relatives message on whatsapp group (anger)
+6 reached office earlier than expected, no traffic since it was a school holiday
Q What could be the possible reasons for the change in mood?
The reason for the mood change could be a person, a memory, a situation, an experience or even a thought.
Q Can i chart the mood throughout the day as my food fluctuates?
Chart the mood daily but at the end of the day , not during the day. Only what one remembers at the end of the day is relevant. If one charts during the day the mood fluctuations will be multiple.
Q What if i cant find the correct words to describe my emotions?
A lot of times we struggle to find the appropriate word to describe our emotions, this is a short list to help us articulate better.
happy, sad, anxious, worried, embarrassed, jealous, envious, confused, frustrated, angry, furious, lost, defeated, excited, bored, disappointment, overwhelmed, awkward, disgust, satisfied, proud, hatred, fear, shame, guilt, lonely.. and many more.
Dr Nahid Dave